“Om”-Line Swadyaya  - On line courses

An in depth study of the most important classical scriptures on Yoga and Vedanta. On line an recorded courses are available. See more information


Meditation and Mantras (Japa)

March 6 to 14, 2025

Dive into deeper levels of meditation and dedicate more time to your practice or mental repetition of a Mantra. Learn about what is a Mantra, how it works, different types and how to choose one.

Advanced Sadhana Retreat

-December 2 to 15 of December, 2025

This is a deep inmersion in the advanced practices of Hatha and Raja Yoga based on the teachings of the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika". The main emphasis is advanced pranayama, with bandhas, mudras, mantras and meditation techniques. Ideal for yoga teachers experienced practitioners or Yoga teachers who want to deepen in their personal practice. and  knowledge. There would be some group practices but mostly it is individual practices with personal guidance.

If you really want to learn more about the Asana practice, understand how to achieve more advanced postures and explore the relationship between asana and meditation, this course is perfect for you. Asana and pranayama practice, daily meditation, vegetarian food and the study of the efect of the asanas will allow you to have a direct experience of the benefits of the practice of tradicional and clasical yoga.

Individual Sadhana Retreat (dates to be arranged individualy) 

This is a unique experience for those who have already taken an advance sadhana retreat with us, and want to have an even deeper experience of practice by being in seclusion for an extended period of time. More information.

Yoga Vacations (consult us for possible dates  
This is a program for those who want to combine the practice of yoga in daily life, with enough free time to rest, read, walks or some sight seeing of Uruguay and its beautiful beaches and coast area.
El Silencio is 40 kilometers from the ocean, where Punta del Este and other beautiful beach resorts are. We can organize some specific tours for you during your stay, according to your interest, or you may just want to stay at the retreat and rest.