“Om”-Line Swadyaya with Krishna Darshan

In these current times where circumstances have lead most people to spend more time in seclusion in their homes, the study of the classical scriptures of yoga and Vedanta are a great help to keep the mind elevated, overcome fears and adversities and remember the infinite and Divine nature of our Being.
Study of Aparoksha Anubhuti - RECORDED COURSE More information
Study of Tattva Bodha - RECORDED COURSE
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Study of Patanjali Yoga Sutras - 4 RECORDED COURSES - one per chapter
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Study of Aparoksha Anubhuti of Adi Shankaracharya - RECORDED
This course is the study of Advaita Vedanta by studying the text: “Aparoksha Anubhuti” which literally means “The direct realization of the Self”, a text book written by Adi Shankaracharya, who was one of the greatest teachers, reformer & missionary of India, who was not only a great philosopher, but also a great writer, poet, visionary, reformer, organizer etc. He is seen as the “Gyana Avatar” of Lord Shiva himself. He was an embodiment of the timeless & immortal vision of the Vedas.
In order to prepare oneself for the study of the 3 main scriptures of Vedanta, which are: 1- the Uppanishads, 2-the Bhagavad Gita and 3- the Brahma Sutras, one must first study the Prakarana Granthas or preliminary texts, in order to have a very clear understanding of the meaning of certain terms, concepts and the main topics of study of Vedanta.
More specifically, Aparoksha Anubhuti is considered as a ‘prakriya grantha’ a book of definitions, a book of categories written in order to explain the deep Truths given in the sasstras. It is one of the fundamental textbooks in Vedanta, but one must not be misled by its false look of simplicity. Though it looks simple, there is a wealth of profundity in it.
The teacher:
The course will be taught by Krishna Darshan, who was a direct disciple of Swami Vishnudevananda and has been teaching Yoga and Vedanta practice and philosophy at various Sivananda Ashrams and centers for the past 35 years
Student requirements:
Anyone is welcomed to join this course, but it is specially aimed at people who have already studied at least some introductory courses on yoga and Vedanta philosophy and want to go deeper into it. Complete beginners on this topic may not be able to follow the teachings.
Method of teaching:
The classes were held live through Facebook live in a private group and recorded and kept in the Facebook group for at least a month after you take the course, to make it available for the students to watch it at any time of the day, or as many times as needed.
To have access to this course, Sign up here
Introduction to Vedanta Philosophy
Studies from Tattva Bodha of Adi Shankaracharya

Tattva Bodha literally means “knowledge of reality” or 'Knowledge of the Truth'.
This small but all encompassing Prakarana Grantha (Introductory text) of Vedanta, was written by one of the greatest teachers, reformer & missionary of India. Indeed he is none other than the great Bhagwan Sri Adi Sankaracharya who was not only a great philosopher, but also a great writer, poet, visionary, reformer, organizer etc. He is seen as the Gyana Avatar of Lord Shiva himself, he was an embodiment of the timeless & immortal vision of the Vedas.
In order to prepare oneself for the study of the 3 main scriptures of Vedanta, which are:1 the uppanishasd, 2-the Bhagavad Gita and 3- the Brahma Sutras, one must first study the Prakarana Granthas or preliminary texts, in order to have a very clear understanding of the meaning of certain terms and the main topics of study of Vedanta.
Tattva Bodha is a fundamental Prakarana Grantha, of the topic of Vedanta and it is considered as a needed study before taking any other vedantinc scriptures.
The classes can be seen through Facebook in a private group and will be kept in the Facebook group for at least a month after the registration, to make it available for the students to watch it at any time of the day, or as many times as needed.
Cost and registration:
Even though spiritual knowledge is universal and free, maintaining ashrams and centers in the modern world and especially during this pandemic crises, requires material means for its continuance and service and for this reason we ask our students to collaborate with a money donation for that purpose.
We are suggesting a donation ranging from $108 to $150 us dollars, which you can easily select and safely pay through PayPal.
If you honestly have no possibility to donate this amount, write to us to request for a partial scholarship.
On the other hand, if you have the possibility and will to contribute more and support the spreading of this knowledge and maintenance of our Sadhana Retreat center, you can also donate larger amounts and it will be very appreciated.
Please contact us at info@yoga-elsilencio.com
Sign up here
Patanjali Yoga Sutras - RECORDED COURSES
We have started a course of an in-depth (advanced level) study of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, taught by Krishna Darshan, a teacher at Sivananda Ashrams and centers for over 35 years.
This is one of the most important texts in the philosophy and practice of Yoga and offers a deep knowledge of the mind and its nature and methods to control it, develop all its potentials, as well as the methods to silence it to experience the Self as pure consciousness.
The practice of concentration, meditation and Samadhi and the realization of the Self as an infinite spirit are the main topics of study in this text.
This course is open to all audiences, but it is more oriented towards people who already have some study and practice and wish to deepen their knowledge.
Each of the Sutras is analyzed in detail, along with the most important classical commentaries such as that of Vyasa (yoga bhasya) and that of Shankaracharya (yoga vivarana).
The text consists of 4 chapters and we study one chapter per course of 10 days duration each, of a daily class of approx 1:30-1:45 hours each.
The cost of the course is $ 108 dollars per chapter. If you have the possibility to donate more we will be very grateful and it will be a very useful contribution to maintain our ashram in these times of presential inactivity.
The ideal would be if you can take the 4 chapters, but if not, you can still participate in the chapters you want.
The courses were given through Facebook live. You need to have a Facebook user to see them.
Chapter 1 - Samadhi pada, Chapter 2 - Sadhana pada, Chapter 3 - Vibhuti pada and Chapter 4 - Kaivalya pada
These courses were already given live, but the recorded classes remain so you can take it and watch the classes at the time of your convenience for a month.
Sign up here