Individual Sadhana Retreat

El Silencio” Sadhana Kutir, San Carlos-Uruguay
For those who have already taken an advance sadhana retreat with us, and want to have an even deeper experience of practice by being in seclusion for an extended period of time, we are now offering the possibility to do so.
The practice would be completely individual and in seclusion, under the guidance of Krishna Darshan.
Deeper levels of pranayama and meditation would be attempted by the student, and would be guided gradually according the student level and capacity.
Contact with other people will be minimized, in order to promote a state of constant introspection and concentration.
This is the way of practice according to the ancient yogic tradition and prescribed on the classical yogic scriptures.
The Sivananda Sadhana Kutir - El Silencio offers an ideal place for this kind of retreat, allowing to practice in an unpolluted environment, completely surrounded by nature, free from worldly noise and objects of distraction.

The time of the year to do it can be coordinated with us with the possibility to be done in different moments of the year as far as it is convenient for both teacher and student.
The length of the retreat can vary from 20 days to 3 months.

*You need to have done before at least the 10 days Advance Sadhana Retreat with us.
* You need to be physically, mentally and emotionally stable and having being following a yogic diet free from any intoxicants for at least a few years
* You need to have a natural like for solitude and silence, an introspective mind, and a like for self-discipline, strong will power, and be able to sit for long periods during the day. (The periods will be extended gradually)

An appropriate donation fee can be arranged individually according to the length of your stay and your financial possibilities. Contact us to enquire.

If you are interested in this type of retreat, contact us by email at or at

How to reach the place
We are 21km away from San Carlos city, Maldonado state, 40km from Punta del Este city and around 160km from Montevideo, capital of Uruguay.

If you are flying to Uruguay:

  • Arrive at Montevideo city's Carrasco international airport (MVD) and from there take a bus to San Carlos (2 hours long). From San Carlos there are buses that will leave you 1km away from "El Silencio", we will be there waiting to pick you up if you let us know in advance. . You can also come from San Carlos by taxi. After you register for the course we will send you more detailed information about the transportation and a map and bus schedule to see which one fits your connections best.

    If you are coming from Montevideo

  • By car: We will send you a map with detailed instructions on how to reach us. It's quite simple.

  • From "Tres Cruces" bus station: There are many daily buses from Montevideo to San Carlos. From San Carlos there are buses that will leave you 1km away from "El Silencio", we will be there waiting to pick you up, if you let us know in advance. . You can also come from San Carlos by taxi. After you register for the course we will send you a map and bus schedule to see which one fits your connections.